5 Reasons to Fit Brushing Your Hair and Scalp into your life.
And Why It Matters!
I know I sound like a broken record, I am ok with that! I had my own reality check a week or so ago.
I am always talking about brushing. Healthy for your hair etc. But mother nature reminded me of another very important reason. One that as a kid we were much more aware of (at least I was, as we lived in, what was then thought of as the countryside).

So here is my story, and yes, it is true!
I had gone to bed a little late one evening and was just drifting off to sleep. Since I had just washed my carpets that day I had left my patio door open to air them out. And because I had been cleaning all day, I fell asleep on my couch and had wrapped one of my blankets on me. Its one of those fuzzy ones with fringes etc.
Well just as I fell asleep, you know the place where you are between sleep land and being awake? I had the strangest sensation of something fuzzy being put into my nose!!
Yes, you read that right! And then came the freak-out, arms flying, hands swatting the air and screams from me.
Then 2 hours of me combing my bed and bedroom looking for this creature. (which I never found)
2.30am I finally fall back to sleep. I wake up thinking I escaped anything other than a good scare, but no, two bite marks on my face to prove that I was not dreaming or having a spider nightmare.
That’s when I realized a very good reason to brush your hair before bed. Bugs! There I said it. Those pesky creatures can hitch a ride any time. Especially if you run, walk or stroll through the woods. But even in urban life, we live with bugs.

So, if being healthy for health sake does not propel you into brushing your hair, then perhaps bugs will.
Here are the five reasons:
- Cleans your scalp of dead skin and any product build-up keeping it able to regenerate easier.
- Promotes healthy skin and oil production to help with the hair and scalp health.
- Makes washing your hair a more productive task because you have removed any dead skin and product that may have stayed stuck to your scalp.
- Makes your hair grown in better, brushing brings blood to the root of the hair and promotes hair growth and health.
- Gets rid of any bug trespassers that may have hitched a ride!
Get brushing people!
Have a wonderful day!