When it pertains to hair, beware of the product you are getting.

Now, everyone loves a deal and bargain and for some they get great joy in finding those deals. But sometimes a deal is not a deal. Sometimes, (actually in my own personal experience, I found many times) those deals end up at the back of your cupboard or closet or even fridge.

When things are on sale, we’re tempted to buy more than we need or can use in the moment and over stock our homes and life with unwanted “stuff”.

I used to do this all the time, with shoes sales, because it was such a great deal, with clothing, Or, going to big box store names and buying bulk because it’s so much cheaper. Its sorely tempting sometimes.

Diana-Welvaert-A Deal Is Not Always A Deal!

When it pertains to hair though, beware of the product you are getting. By the time this stuff has made it to the discount store, who knows where it was and for how long and how it was stored. And then besides that, is it right for your hair? There is a reason it did not sell in the original store, just keep that in mind. Normal, ordinary shampoo and conditioner is usually fine for the hubby and kids and even maybe the dog. But on your carefully colored locks, it could wreak havoc.

As a stylist we can get you larger sizes of your favorite shampoo and conditioner!

Diana-Welvaert-Keune Shampoo Conditioner

Having said that as a stylist we can get you larger sizes of your favorite shampoo and conditioner and that way you are getting bulk that is a good deal. You have to let us know ahead of time though.

Shop wisely and have fun! Take care of your wonderful selves, you are worth it!

Peace out ! Diana

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