My clients have been coming in with concerns about their hair. Specifically, what they believe to be broken hair.

Now do not get me wrong, for those of you who have chosen no haircuts for the year, the chances of broken ends are really pretty good.

For others though, there is this little crop of hair growing out of their heads that has them worried. They are believing their hair is breaking and are wondering if this is the case.

So here is the rule of thumb. Broken hair looks like it has been sawed off or broken, not unlike a branch when it breaks.

Broken Hair

New hair growth when growing back in, has a fine pointy tip on it. Whenever we feel a lot of stress, no matter the reason, it can be emotional, or physical our bodies react.

Sometimes that can result in hair loss, which is perfectly normal reaction. And when its growing back in and has grown to a place where its showing. This is where its commonly noticed and causes concern.

So, don’t fret, you are okay. New hair is normal and good.

Sending out loving hair energy. Also get a haircut! Its time. And check out our amazing conditioning treatment.


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