Silver Shining. Grey Sparkles.
What is right for you?

Thinking of letting your natural grey shine through? What will that mean? Is it possible? How do you do such a thing?

Well I have some answers to your questions. Firstly, sit with this choice for a bit and ask yourself a few questions, such as the why of going grey? What’s your why? What do you hope to achieve with this?

I’m not going to say never do it, but definitely give it some serious thought. I am not against going grey per se, but I want you to feel your best about your hair and how that looks for you.

Some of my clients have gone the all over grey route and had great success with it.

Diana-Welvaert- Grey- Is it for you

Like any color change it will change the way your skin looks, your eyes, your makeup if you wear this. The color of your clothing will also be different also depending on what the color of your hair has been for the last while.

If your hair has been dark, then it will for sure change your color choices with going grey.

Check your skin tone and make sure your makeup is matching your new look also, it will for sure be an adjustment that will change it up and make it good transition. And you may have to transition a couple of times as you get it lighter.

Another thing to consider is the texture of your hair. When your hair is colored, the hair shaft is softened and easier to keep and style (in most cases). You will likely find your hair different when its natural. If your hair is naturally curly it might be fuzzy, and if its straighter it may be flat and need more washes, due to the natural oils. In any case your care routine will for sure need to change.

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How do you go grey? Well you can do a couple of ways. The fastest and easiest and cheapest way is of course to cut it all off really short and go for the gusto.

Most people are not that brave or do they want the shock of the two things at once.

Most go for a more gentler way. What we did with my client was put highlights into her hair as light as they would go. We kept adding the highlights into her hair until it was mostly blonde with a bit of dark brown and then only lightened the darker bits as it grew out.

It took about one year to get it all out and in the mean time she got to rock a few different styles and colors, which found super fun.

There are no guarantees as to what it will look like or be like when its grown out but as I tell my clients, “You can always change it back!”

In any case, there are many options to look at in going grey and lots to consider.

Hope this was food for thought for any of you considering the silvery life.

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Have a wonderful week.


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