The Secret To Getting
The Cut You Want!

More often than not, many of us walk away from something, not satisfied with the result. Sometimes we do not even know why that is. We may have even gotten exactly what we asked for to the letter.

Therein lies the problem. Realizing and knowing what you are asking for. For example, I asked my co-worker to give me a quick trim the other month. That’s exactly what I got. It was not what I wanted. Both of us failed in our communication with each other and with organizing the cut so that it was successful.

But it was a great lesson for us both in communication. In taking responsibility in your own part of the conversation.

Often at least I know I used to think this way, I would just let the other person lead the conversation and not take part in my part of the responsibility of what I wanted to say and get out of it. I found it difficult to do without becoming frustrated and upset.

The Secret To Getting The Cut you Want!

When I realized that I did not have to get upset or frustrated but all I had to do was get myself clear as to what I wanted from it, it got way easier to have those types of conversations that could lead to better connection and actual communication.

And no, I have not mastered it. I still find sometimes that it’s like pulling teeth to get people to tell me what they really want.

Long story short, the trick to getting what you want, is knowing what you want. Who knew?

So now you have the secret. Here comes the hard part. Sorting out for yourself what you really want. It’s doable, but it does take some time on your end. You need to ask yourself the tough questions.

The Secret To Getting The Cut you Want!

What sort of style am I wanting to create? i.e. Casual, classic?

  1. What am I willing to do to maintain this if it requires work?
  2. How much time do I have to do my hair?
  3. Do I have all the tools I need to get the job done?
  4. Have I taken the time to research styles for myself and chosen a few examples of looks that I am attracted to.
  5. And lastly am I open to new ideas and suggestions if my ideas do not suit my hair and or if I am not willing to do the work required.

Of course you can discuss a lot of this with your stylist, but asking yourself these questions ahead of time will certainly make your visit one that has some true communication happening. And frankly I find it fun. A lot like a treasure hunt.

So now you have it, the secret to hair cut success!

See you in the chair!


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