BRUSHING, The Yoga for Your Hair!

The reason we bend, breathe, and roll around on our yoga mats? To keep our bodies limber, supple and healthy.

Brushing- The Yoga for Your Hair

So, it is with our hair. Brushing is the new Hair Yoga. Where else can you increase the suppleness of your hair and relax and calm your mind. All for free in the comfort of your own home.

  1. Cleanse your scalp of dead skin and any product build up.
  2. Helps promote regeneration of new hair and skin.
  3. Keeps the current skin and hair healthy by moving the natural oils through your hair.
  4. Saves you time and money in the shower, because you rinse and dead skin cells away and wash them off way easier.
  5. Don’t forget to breathe during this.

Just like any exercise we do, it adds relaxation to our lives, makes your hair better and your life. Who does not want that?

Happy Brushing!


Photo courtesy of Rachel Scott, super yoga teacher.
Check her out here: