Do you know the rules of what sort of styles you should have? Are you aware of the age qualification of these rules? Do you know when to grow it and when not to?

I am here to help you with such things, to give you a great helping hand and take the burden of these rules off of your mind.

But first I will tell you a little story about how the rules were applied to my life at one time.

When I was 20 years old, I got married. (that’s a whole other story)

I had long, thick, beautiful hair. My husband loved my hair. After we were married, every Sunday it was a requirement to visit the in-laws for Sunday coffee and cake and to chat.


Shortly after we began doing this my then mother-in-law told me that now that I was a married woman I “needed” to cut my hair short! I discovered at that time there were many rules that applied to “married women”. None of these rules I had heard of before so I was an eager student at the time and wanted to please my mother-in-law.

So, I set off to have my hair cut and a soft perm put into it. Perms were big at the time and quite in. Unfortunately, I ended up with a hairstylist who was not understanding the term soft perm and I came out with an afro. This was not the look I was going for but it was what I ended up with.

It’s actually what set me on the path to becoming a stylist, because I was so upset with her lack of understanding, I thought there had to be a better way!

Well when I got home, my husband was so upset and angry and did not talk to me for a week.

I was really confused, since I was following the rules I could not figure out what the heck I had done wrong. It was then I learned that everyone had their own set of rules.

It was a painful lesson but a good one. I learned many things that week. I learned that I had to live by my own set of rules for me and not what everyone else wanted but what I wanted. This lesson was a theme for the next few years but it’s one that so important.

Here’s the deal about the rules as I have learned  them when it comes to wearing your hair.


The Rules

Rule # 1. There really are no rules. There are guidelines though and they are there to simply give you basic ideas of what will work with the type of hair you have and what you want it to do.

Rule# 2. Do what you love and love what you do. If you want to wear your hair long then go for it. I do not care what age you are. There is no Best before date when it comes to hair styles.

Rule # 3. Learn your own style. Do some investigating and define your look. Now this may seem like it’s a trivial thing, but I do not think so. When you take the time to carve out a style for yourself, you are investing time and energy in you and what makes you happy. You will also discover your own personal likes and dislikes for styles and what works and what does not. Knowledge is power. This investigation will give you self-esteem in your personal choices and it makes a difference.

Rule # 4. Small things matter, what you do to take care of yourself, your hair and your body, those things are important.

Rule # 5. Be good to yourself, and if you follow all these rules, you will likely have great hair.

If you are still struggling with any other rules that I did not cover in this blog then feel free to drop me a line and chat.

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